Ask the experts, June 2004

It's the first hand of the game, and you deal yourself A-2-2-9-10-J. What do you toss?

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Dan Barlow:

Toss 9-10. It's the most points you can save, has the potential for a big hand (twelve, fourteen, maybe even fifteen), and three of the four cuts that don't improve the hand do improve the crib.

John Chambers:

If I'm the dealer in this situation I would keep A-2-2-J and discard the 9-10 to my crib. I think 9-10 will perform a little better there than 10-J.

DeLynn Colvert:

I toss the 10-J, holding the magic eleven 9-2 combo for pegging, nailing any ten-card leads.

George Rasmussen:

Discard the 9-10. Retaining three small cards with one large card is generally preferable to retaining three large cards with one small one. In addition, A-2-2-J offers hand potential of fifteen points with cut of 3 to match the J. The deuce cut scores a dozen (or thirteen the J is matched). And the A cut is worth eight or nine. If holding A-9-10-J, the most points the cut could provide would be eight or nine, and you would lose the pegging potential of the small cards.

Michael Schell:

The key here is knowing how to accurately assess the relative pegging potential of A-2-2-J and A-9-10-J over the board. The latter keep will produce the most combined hand/crib points by a small margin, as the addition method accurately predicts. But when you're dealer, a 3/1 lo-hi hand (three low cards and one ten-card) will generally net one point better in the pegging than a 1/3 hand (one low card and three high cards). This is borne out by Schempp's and Mueller's static pegging numbers.

Keep  Toss 


Own crib:


  Static    Delta   Dynamic 
A-9-10-J     2-2 5.57 5.72 -0.07 5.65 11.22
A-2-2-J 9-10 6.80 4.29 -0.15 4.14 10.94
Keep  Toss     

Pegging (Schempp):


Pegging (Mueller):

Net (pone/dealer) Net (pone/dealer)
A-9-10-J     2-2 +0.7 (2.4/3.1) +0.2 (1.9/2.1)
A-2-2-J 9-10 +1.9 (1.8/3.6) +1.4  (1.4/2.8)

Those three low cards are powerful, especially compared to the mediocre potential of A-9-10-J. You'll often run the 2-2 pair for three points on the first play series, and you'll earn the occasional bonanza against hands like A-2-3-3, 2-2-5-J, 2-3-4-5 and 2-4-J-J. More surprising, perhaps, is that the 3/1 hand rates better both for pegging offense and defense. Perhaps that's because of this:

J  A  5  J (26-1)    J  9  10 (29-4)    10 (10-1)

J  J (20-2)  J (30-6)  A (31-2)    10  10 (20-2)  5 (25-1)    9 (9-1)

Compared to:

J  A  5  2   10  2 (30-1)    J  J  (20-3)

J  J (20-2)  J (30-6)  A (31-2)    10  2  5  2 (19-1)

Phyllis Schmidt:

I'm undecided between throwing 9-10 or 2-2. I think I'd go with 9-10 hoping to peg a few at the end.

Peter Setian:

I would throw 9-10. The one point sacrifice is worth what appears to be a better potential for both hand and crib. The hand will likely do better during the pegging duel as well.


Before the cut, I predict that I will win as pone with seven holes to spare, with opponent at hole 117 (including pegging). My priority is to maximize my hand and crib while minimizing my opponent's pegging. Based on my numbers below, A-2-2-J fits the bill best:

Keep  Toss 



Less opp's
A-2-2-J     9-10 6.80 4.06 -1.43 9.43
A-9-10-J 2-2 5.57 5.47 -1.93 9.11


Dan Barlow won the 1980 National Open Cribbage Tournament, and made the 1985 All American Cribbage Team. His cribbage strategy articles appeared in Cribbage World for many years, and can be seen on the ACC Web site. He also provides strategy tips at MSN Gaming Zone. He has written seven books on cribbage, two of which have been glowingly reviewed in Games Magazine. All, including his latest book Winning Cribbage Tips, are available at The Cribbage Bookstore.

John Chambers was one of the original founding members of the ACC. He is a Grand Master, winner of seven major tournaments, and author of Cribbage: A New Concept, He also directs three annual tournaments: the Ocean State Cribbage Classic, New England Peer Championship and Charity Cribbage Challenge.

DeLynn Colvert (1931–2019) is the highest rated tournament player in the history of organized cribbage. He was a five-time National Champion, author of Play Winning Cribbage, longtime editor of the monthly magazine Cribbage World, and the ACC's only Life Master - Seven Stars. He also directed two annual tournaments in Missoula, MT, served as the ACC's President, and was one of the game's most affable emissaries. It's scarcely an exaggeration to say that Colvert's career defines modern cribbage.

George "Ras" Rasmussen is a Life Master - Two Stars, a four-time All-American, the national Grass Roots Division 1 champion in 2009, a former state champion in Virginia, Montana and Washington, and holds a Gold Award and a President's Award. He also directs the Washington State Championship, held each year in Centralia, WA. His articles on cribbage are available on the ACC Web site.

Michael Schell is a pioneer of modern cribbage theory, which synthesizes traditional concepts of expert play with new computer-informed insights and analysis. He has published Cribbage Forum since 2000. Schell holds a Bronze Award, is a Washington State Champion (2001), and was one of the principal architects of ACC Internet Cribbage.

Phyllis Schmidt is a charter member of the ACC, and has been playing cribbage for about 40 years. She is a Life Master - One Star, a Senior Judge, a National Champion (1992) and winner of the ACC Tournament of Champions (2005). She attends about 30 tournaments a year.

Peter Setian has played cribbage for over 20 years, and has been a member of the ACC for about 14 years. During that time, he has won seven major tournaments and earned his Life Master rating. He plays in about eight tournaments per year, including the ACC Tournament of Champions and the annual Grand National. He enjoys participation in Grass Roots Club #72.

HALSCRIB is widely regarded as the world's strongest computer cribbage player. Its opinion was solicited using a special analysis version of the program. Since HALSCRIB only speaks binary, its thoughts have been translated into English by Michael Schell and its creator, Hal Mueller, a retired mathematics professor and eight-time ACC tournament winner. For more information, see the HALSCRIB home page.

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