At 111*-102 you deal yourself 7-8-J-Q-K-K. What do you
keep? Read Rob Medeiros' opinion
here |
- Sorry to hear of John Furler's death. An old friend from my
tournament cribbage days, he was the second player ever to earn a
Gold Award for Grass Roots play. Here's from the May 2008
Cribbage World (H/T to David Aiken):
(added 1/17/2020)

- Congrats to my former clubmate Lowell Bailey of Sno-King Peggers
(Club 108) for his Gold Award!
(added 1/4/2020)
- The DeLynn Colvert memorial issue of Cribbage World is
online, and includes my and many others' favorite memories of
this wonderful fellow pegger
(added 10/14/2019)
- DeLynn Colvert has pegged out. 1931–2019. Author of cribbage's
most influential
textbook, longtime editor of
Cribbage World,
contributor to Cribbage Forum, five-time National Champion
(including 2017 at age 86), and the highest rated tournament player
in cribbage history. Colvert also served as President of the
American Cribbage
Congress, and directed two annual tournaments in Missoula, MT.
Win or lose, he was always one of the game's most affable
emissaries. It's scarcely an exaggeration to say that his incredible
career defined modern cribbage
(added 8/12/2019)
Welcome to Cribbage Forum, the first and best Web site devoted
to cribbage strategy. If you're visiting for the first time, or would
like an introduction to our contents, click
here for an overview. And check out the archives from our popular monthly quiz feature,
Ask the experts.
- Michael Schell
Old news:
January 2019: In the January 2019
Cribbage World, the
ACC takes a
first crack at standardizing rules for Canadian Doubles.
September 2017: Incredible. DeLynn Colvert, Cribbage Forum contributor and the
world's highest rated cribbage player, has won yet another National
Championship: his fifth (1986, 1991, 1997, 1998, 2017). Not even
Garry Kasparov has been champion at age 86 (well, not yet anyway).
October 2016:
Interesting write-up in
Cribbage World on hand frequency in cribbage, summarizes recent
results by
Prof. Steve Lumetta, which include flush scenarios, building on
the earlier work of Hessel and Nolan (documented by Cribbage
Forum here).
May 2016:
I revisited Daily Cribbage Hand
after a long time away and was delighted to see the discarding
discussions focused on board position, the way it should be. There
was also a nice writeup about this site in the May 2016 Cribbage
April 2016:
New irregular feature, TweetQuiz, like
Ask the experts but via Twitter
and open to all. Follow us
April 2015:
Reading the horrible news out of Nepal, my thoughts are with the
earthquake victims and my many friends dating from my stay there in
1997. Cribbage Forum has made a relief contribution through
Disaster Recovery
December 2014:
Cribbage Forum comes to Twitter. Michael Schell @CribbageForum.
Follow us here.
June 2013:
Congratulations to my friend and former
Sno-King Peggers clubmate
Lowell Bailey, for
winning the
2013 ACC Open in Reno. The ACC Open is the largest sanctioned
cribbage tournament of them all, attracting 788 players in the main
event this year. Way to go Lowell!
March 2012:
Cribbage Forum goes on hiatus
After eleven years of continuous monthly publication with another
year of more sporadic updates, I'm discontinuing regular work on Cribbage Forum.
Nothing wrong over here — I'm just busy with travel, other projects and
family life these days, a situation that I expect will persist for a
while. Our esteemed content will remain proudly online, of course, and
I'll continue to publish the occasional news bit or article. And who
knows when I might pick up where I left off, as there are still many
ideas for future features on our favorite card game. In the meantime
though, I hope you'll stay in touch, enjoy the other fine cribbage
resources on the Web, and happy pegging to everyone!
January 2012:
ACC Internet Cribbage adds a new tournament format
Robert Milk has announced that the Cribbage Cup format has been
replaced by a Grass Roots-style nine-game round robin format for the
Wednesday night events. It's great to see
ACC Internet Cribbage
continuing to evolve and as it enters its eighth full season
July 2011:
Colvert, Cribbage Forum contributor, four-time National Champion and the
ACC's highest rated player, has become the first Life Master - Six
Stars. DeLynn is also in the
ACC Hall of
Fame along with Cribbage Forum contributors Phyllis Schmidt and,
as of 2011, George "Ras" Rasmussen too. Congrats to DeLynn and
Ras. Meanwhile Hal Mueller is still writing cribbage software, the
latest release being an update (v3.4) to his top-of-the-line REX
May 2010:
We're happy to acknowledge the induction of our
own George "Ras" Rasmussen into the
ACC Hall of
Fame, where he will be joining Cribbage Forum contributors
DeLynn Colvert and Phyllis Schmidt
March 2010:
Hal Mueller has announced his latest release, entitled
REX Cribbage.
It features "fourth generation pegging algorithms and is much stronger in the
endgame than any other robot, including HALSCRIB v8". Prof. Mueller is
starting to shift his attention from cribbage back to duplicate
bridge, another passion of his, so this may be the last in
the HALSCRIB line. It promises to be a crowning achievement of his
career in cribbage programming, and is highly recommended for any
serious pegger. Cribbage Forum also wishes Hal well in his recovery
from heart surgery earlier this year
January 2010:
Cribbage Forum turns 10. Thanks to our contributors and readers for
making us the Web's leading resource devoted to cribbage strategy!
December 2009:
Our own George "Ras" Rasumssen graces the cover of
the December Cribbage World as 2008‒9
Grass Roots Champion. Congratulations Ras! Next to him is this
year's Internet Champion, Tom Langford, along with Tournament
Champion Duane Toll. It took us several years and lots of work to
bring sanctioned tournament play to the Internet, and it's gratifying to see this modality
of play finally assume a place of prestige alongside the Tournament
Trail and Grass Roots
August 2009:
Like many Web sites, Cribbage Forum sported a green color scheme
this month in
solidarity with
the protesters in Iran
May 2009:
Our contributor Hal Mueller's article
Cribbage Gambling? appears in this month's issue of
Cribbage World.
January 2009:
The ACC is making more progress of late entering the age of digital
computers. You can now read each month's issue of Cribbage World
online for free.
April 2008: Hal Mueller has released HALSCRIB CLX 2.0, the
latest update to his pioneering cribbage playing and analysis software.
Also new is Cribbage Vox, which incorporates voice activation and speech
synthesis into the Halscrib line, allowing physically and visually
impaired players to take on the world's premier computer cribbage
engine. I believe it's the first substantive computer cribbage game to
feature ease of access. Both new products are Vista-compatible.
May 2006:
Halscrib 2006, the newest version of Hal Mueller's
groundbreaking computer cribbage program, is now available. Halscrib has
been playing at expert level for a couple of years now, and this new
version quite possibly plays at championship level. George "Ras"
Rasmussen and myself have logged several hundred games against it, and
we are batting only a hair above .500.
The age of computer-human parity in cribbage seems to have finally
arrived. Halscrib 2006 includes several analysis tools essential for
serious players, and Prof. Mueller even offers a bundle with electronic
copies of books by Cribbage Forum contributors DeLynn Colvert, John
Chambers and George Rasmussen.
February 2006:
I've retired as Editor for ACC Internet Cribbage, so I have stopped
writing the Internet Cribbage articles for Cribbage World and the
ACC Web site, at least for the time being. You can read my brief
farewell announcement
Don't worry though, I'll still be helping out with ACC Internet Cribbage
from time to time as an Assistant Commissioner, and I'm proud to have
been a principal architect of that program. I'll also continue
publishing Cribbage Forum updates each month. And if you're
passing through Seattle, I hope to see you at my Grass Roots club. So
there'll still be plenty of opportunities for us to get together in the
years ahead. Keep tuning in Cribbage Forum every month!
July 2005:
Cribbage Forum extends its solidarity and sympathy to the victims of
the recent terrorist atrocities in London. As you sit down to enjoy our
favorite game — another British gift to the
rest of us — take a moment to consider the
pluck and resolve and pluck of these people who have stood with us
"shoulder to shoulder" in defense of secular democracy. Today, we
cribbage players are all Brits.
September 2004:
Schell ranked second in North America: Yes, I finished the
2003–4 Grass Roots season ranked
2nd of over 4,000 club players across North America, with 323
rating points in Division I, behind only Charles Barnes record-setting
380 points.
September 2004:
Mike Fetchel has
won the
first Internet Cribbage Championship
June 2003:
The ACC Internet Cribbage Program now has its own
Web page,
where you can stay informed on on the development of ACC-sanctioned
Internet cribbage, which will begin on a trial basis in Fall 2003.
Volunteers are needed to serve as online tournament hosts, statisticians
and general coordinators. Join us, and bring legitimate sanctioned
competition to the Internet!
April 2003:
On March 7, 2003, MSN
Gaming Zone hosted the first HALSCRIB vs. the Rest Of The World
match. Hal Mueller took one side of the table, using a prototype of
HALSCRIB 5 to play
the cards dealt him by the Zone. I sat on the other side, captaining a
team of about 30 human players who played by consultation, discussing
our discarding and pegging choices on the chat lines. It was great fun,
and an opportunity to play a couple of instructive games while seeing
the world's most powerful computer cribbage program in action. The bot
won twice, including a skunk (click here for
my commentary on the first game), but the humans will get their chance
at payback soon: these matches will happen every three months or so,
with the second one slated for June 19.
February 2003:
After years of lobbying by Internet cribbage enthusiasts, the ACC
Board of Directors has authorized creation of an ACC Internet
Cribbage Program. I've been appointed to the Internet Steering
Committee, which will develop and implement the Program. This is an
exciting opportunity to create bona fide play on the Internet
under the auspices of the game's preeminent sanctioning organization,
with a legitimate rating system and even an Internet championship cycle.
It will also help attract new players to the ACC, ensuring the
continuity of the Tournament Trail and Grass Roots programs. There's a
lot of work to be done, and some thorny problems to solve, but if we can
make this work, the upside for both the game and the ACC is tremendous.
August 2002:
The Northwest Washington Open
took place on July 12-14, 2002, co-hosted by my Grass Roots club, Sno-King
Peggers, and our sister club, Everett Peggers. Appropriately enough, the
tournament was won by my clubmate Laurie Kenny, who prevailed in the
finals against DeLynn Colvert (who topped the qualifying round with a
rare 42 point scorecard). Several Cribbage Forum readers came out
specifically for the event, and Hal Mueller showed up from Ontario with
version 4.82 of
HALSCRIB, featuring a new endgame pegging algorithm and improved
middlegame pegging and board strategy technique. The bot dusted both
George Rasmussen and myself in a series of demonstration games. OK, it
had the better cards, but we were still impressed with its playing
strength, which is roughly equal to that of a strong human tournament
July 2002:
International Cribbage MEETUP Day is the third Thursday of the
month, beginning July 2002. What does this mean? Well, go
this Web page,
select your city and vote on a local meeting place from a preselected
list of possible venues. Check back for the voting results, then show up
to meet any other local cribbage players who have responded. The
suggested venues include restaurants, coffeehouses and the like — now
you know where the MEETUP people get their money. Still if the concept
takes off, it could be a good way to meet new friends and opponents if
there's no
Grass Roots club in your area. And if there isn't, use this to help
start your own!
December 2001:
The ACC Web page has been given a
major facelift by its new Webmaster, Paul Gregson. Paul has also added
lots of new features, including a compete list of lifetime MRPs. I am
now editing the Tips section. Check it out!
A dedication and a pledge to the victims of the atrocities committed on
September 11, 2001. In particular, to the fallen firefighters, police
and emergency workers, and to the passengers of United Airlines
Flight 93 who fought back against the terrorists. The heroic actions of
these individuals saved untold lives. They are the first resistance
fighters in the war on terror. In their honor, I will donate half of my
tournament winnings in the 2001–2
season to aid relief and recovery efforts. I invite others in the
cribbage community to join me in this pledge. Together, we will
defeat terrorism.
Cribbage Forum has a new home. After 1½ years and 20,000 hits, it
was time to expand. So we've moved to a new URL (cribbageforum.com),
switched to a faster Web host, and redesigned the home page for easier
browsing. Thanks to all of you who've helped make this the premier
cribbage site on the Internet! To celebrate our expansion, I've
inaugurated a regular feature called Ask the experts which will
let you match your wits with some of the game's most prominent players
and writers. Here's how it works: every month I'll post a new cribbage
problem. A month later, I'll republish the problem along with commentary
from our all-star panel. There'll be no single "correct" answer given.
Each of the panelists will explain what they would do in a real
game, and why. Want to see how players like Dan Barlow, DeLynn Colvert
and George Rasmussen approach a tough game decision? Well, stay around
and find out. Click here to view this
month's problem. Try to find the best answer yourself, then check back
next month to see if the panelists agree with you!
April 2000:
Cribbage Forum has received the prestigious
Grandmaster Link Award from Mind
Sports Organisation Worldwide, organizers of the annual
Mind Sports Olympiad.
Announcing the award, John Knoderer of MSO said: "Michael Schell has
created a comprehensive site that helps explain the intricacies of the
game of cribbage. We were especially impressed by his explanations of
discarding techniques. Our Deputy Webmaster has played more than 500
games of cribbage in the last year, and hopes to compete at the
Olympiad, yet he learned something about discarding techniques from
reading Michael's pages. There's a lot of other good information to be
found here. Whether you are a beginner, or whether you are an expert, we
strongly recommend this set of pages to you." The Grandmaster Link Award
recognizes sites that are "the very best on the Web in their field".
Cribbage Forum is the first cribbage-related site ever to receive this
January 2000:
Cribbage Forum begins publication.
Cribbage Forum features articles on cribbage strategy
and tactics by Michael Schell,
ACC Bronze Award winner, 2001 Washington State Champion, winner of
other accolades
in Internet and over-the-board cribbage, and a founding architect of
ACC Internet Cribbage. Cribbage Forum is a project of
Publisher/Webmaster: Michael Schell. Assistant Editor: Lauren Marshall.
Contact us
Original Material and HTML Coding
Copyright © 2000–20 by
Michael Schell. All Rights Reserved.
Ribbon art created by
Alon Cohen.